Dry needling is a technique used to inactivate myofascial trigger points and the pain they cause in order to restore function. A trigger point is a localized, hyper-irritable knot in a taut band of muscle fibers. Dry needling involves the use of thin, flexible monofilament needles.
Mechanical and biomechanical effects have been identified. The mechanical stimulation of the muscle produces a cellular change that results in relaxation due to the removal of compression on the joint, nerve, and/or vascular tissue. Dry needling also stimulates the release of pain mediators and initiates a “new healing process”. Dry needling in combination with therapeutic exercise can result in decreased pain and improved function.
Dry needling can be uncomfortable to some individuals and may have minimal discomfort to others. Some individuals may experience a temporary increase in pain, soreness, or aching in the area treated which usually resolves within 1-3 days.
If you think dry needling can assist you, ask your provider for a referral and call to make an appointment at the location that is most convenient to you.