We can do better, providing enhanced care close to home.
Let's expand access...
By creating more procedure rooms. One in 18 Americans has a heart arrhythmia,
with rates even higher locally as retirees are drawn to the Shenandoah Valley.
Let’s invest in advances in life-saving care…
Advances in invasive cardiac procedures provide precision care delivered
with less discomfort and shorter stays.
Let’s see more patients sooner, with life-changing results…
Increasing local treatment resources for our families, friends and neighbors.
"Living with AFib (atrial fibrillation) boosts someone’s risk for a stroke fivefold. Being able to normalize someone’s heart rhythm and prevent clots from forming lets them lead their lives with peace of mind."
Daniel V. Alexander, DO, FHRS, FACC
Winchester Cardiology and Vascular Medicine | Valley Health