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Family Connections: The Berrys

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Family Connections: The Berrys
  • Kelly Berry: VHS Physician Liaison
  • Daughter: Lindsay Ritenour, CNA, Neuro Unit
  • Sister: Brandy Millay, NP, Valley Health Family Medicine | Inwood
  • Sister-in-Law: Judy Berry, Provider Coordinator for VHMG


What do you like about working with family? I am grateful to be working with family here at Valley Health. I am one of the physician liaisons for the system and promote Valley Health and the services we offer in the North Region. My daughter, Lindsay Ritenour, works on the Neuro unit as a CNA taking care of patients from the providers I promote. My sister, Brandy Millay, NP, works for Valley Health Family Medicine | Inwood office where I visit regularly to ensure she and the providers know about the services we offer their patients. My sister-in-law, Judy Berry, helps onboard these providers I promote. Each one of our roles here at Valley Health ties in together one way or another, and it’s wonderful to be collaborating with family in the workplace.

Ironically, my sister started her career at Valley Health many years ago on the Neuro unit where my daughter is now working. Lindsay is following in her aunt’s footsteps as she continues to pursue her degree in healthcare. Working for Valley Health over the past 10 years has been very rewarding. Valley Health has offered me many opportunities to learn, grow and advance under wonderful leadership over the years. I’m proud that my family members and I are working together, each doing something different but all of us a part of the Valley Health Family.

Why did you choose Valley Health? I chose Valley Health 10 years ago as the Development Manager for the Western Region. I was ready to advance in my career when I applied for Valley Health and knew the great people who worked here. I wanted to be a part of the team! During my interview, I was impressed with the kindness of everyone I encountered, from stepping on the elevator at SSB to getting lost on the fourth floor trying to find my way to the interview. I left that interview crossing my fingers they’d pick me. When I received the call that I’d been chosen, my life changed from that moment on. Valley Health and the leaders I’ve worked under and continue working under have always encouraged my growth, advancement and stepping outside my comfort zone. I will forever be grateful for the call I received offering me the position 10 years ago.


What do you like about working with family? I began my career at Valley Health last August when I started the CNA program through Lynn Care. After the program, I applied for multiple positions at Winchester Medical Center, and the Neuro unit was my top choice. After I got the position, my aunt Brandy told me that she started off as a CNA on the same Neuro unit, as well. Finding out this information has inspired me to continue following in her footsteps. Even though I don’t work directly with my mother and two aunts, it is neat to know we are all providing a service to patients and the community by all working within the same organization. My goal is to continue pursuing my career with Valley Health. We often come across each other and it is nice to see my family at work.

Why did you choose Valley Health? I chose to work for VHS after seeing the many opportunities it’s provided for my family. Valley Health has provided me with support and flexibility as I am currently in college, while giving me the opportunity to learn about my future career. I could not be more grateful for my work family at Valley Health and the opportunity to work with some of my close family members as well.


What do you like about working with family? My sister, Kelly Berry, is the physician liaison for the area in which I practice. When I have questions about local specialists and whom to refer my patients to, my sister is my go-to resource. I enjoy collaborating with her and meeting all the providers that she brings by my practice. Judy Berry, Kelly’s sister-in-law, assisted with my onboarding when I recently transitioned from Valley Health’s Urgent Cares into family practice. It was great knowing that Judy was part of the team helping with this process and I could reach out to her with questions. The best part is having my niece Lindsay Ritenour follow in my footsteps into nursing. She is currently working as a CNA on Neuro and I couldn’t be more proud that she has chosen to pursue nursing. I have no doubts she will enjoy this rewarding career as much as I have.

Why did you choose Valley Health? I chose to return to Valley Health five years ago because of Valley Health’s reputation for providing quality health care and the work/life balance Valley Health offered for my family. I experienced this excellent care firsthand in 2014. While in my last semester of NP school, I developed a spontaneous cervical cerebral spinal leak and was hospitalized for a week on the Neurological unit. The care I received was top notch! Everyone involved in my care—the nursing assistants and nurses, the Interventional Radiology team, and neurologist and neurosurgeon—were fantastic. I received specialized neurological care for this rare condition and was also able to stay close to home, near my husband and children. Working for Valley Health as a part-time provider allows me to balance the demands of raising four children and advanced nursing practice. Each day I go to work I have confidence that I am working for an organization that strives to deliver quality health care to my community.


What do you like about working with family? As I have worked at Valley Health since I graduated high school, I think of VHS as family. Valley Health gave me the opportunity to meet Kelly, my now sister-in-law, many years ago in a class in the SSB building. We became instant friends and eventually family as she married my brother-in-law. It is so nice working with her and her beautiful daughter, Lindsay, and sister, Brandy. I had the pleasure of assisting in the onboarding of Brandy to the Valley Health Medical Group earlier this year. Sometimes people confuse Kelly and me, and I am honored because I think she is the best! We laugh about the mix-up all the time.

Why did you choose Valley Health? I began my career at Warren Memorial Hospital when I was 18 years old in Emergency and Outpatient registration and have worked as the secretary for the Cardiopulmonary Department, then as a pharmacy tech, program coordinator for the hospitalist team at WMH and now as the provider coordinator with the VHMG. I am so grateful for the opportunities that VHS has given me and the friends I have made along the way.

Work With Family

At Valley Health, we are looking for passionate, innovative, and caring people who will each bring their unique skills and perspectives to our workplace. We believe our exceptional team members are the foundation of our culture and key to our success at providing safe, high-quality care with high reliability.

We encourage our caregivers to invite their family, friends and network of dedicated colleagues to work (and perhaps live) in a community like ours!