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Volunteer Application

The 2025 volunteer application is available below!

Camp Follow the Leader is a summer day camp for children ages 6-10 with disabilities and/or physical, sensory, emotional, social and/or developmental challenges. Our camp staff includes Occupational, Physical, and Speech therapists, teachers, volunteers, and counselors trained to provide a supportive, engaging, and rewarding experience for all. The camp is located at Winchester Church of God (2080 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester VA). It is held from Monday through Friday, July 21-25. Volunteers are expected to be present from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

  • Camp activities include art, crafts, sports, music, games and special events.
  • Each camper is paired with a volunteer “buddy” for the week.
  • Daily group activities include a fine motor control group, a gross motor control group and a social skills group.
  • Campers are organized into smaller peer groups based on age and skill level. This supportive environment with peers and older buddies provides opportunities to make friends, engage in cooperative and interactive play, facilitate positive peer interactions, improve play skills, increase confidence and independence and participate in community-based experiences.

How to be a Buddy Volunteer

If you are high school or college age and enjoy working with kids 6-10 years old this unique summer day camp for children with physical and/or developmental challenges might be for you. It is a great opportunity to work with kids alongside OTs, PTs, teachers and special education professionals in a fun setting.


  • Must be high school to college age
  • Attend one hour training prior to start of camp (TBD)
  • Suggested deadline for return of application is June 1st. Applications handed in after this date will be taken on a first come, first served basis.
  • All volunteer staff must provide evidence and clearance of a Virginia State background check in order to participate in camp. There may be a 2-week turn around time for clearance, so please be prompt with completing. Cost for background checks will be reimbursed by the Valley Health Foundation. Please submit receipt to once completed for reimbursement. Click here to access the background check link.

*All applications will be considered even if it is past the suggested deadline

Camp Guidelines

Volunteer Buddies, your number one responsibility is to facilitate your camper’s experience and participation in camp. Following are the guidelines and expectations for this important volunteer commitment.

Guidelines & Expectations:

  1. Be respectful of the campers and their parents, adult volunteers and the other buddies. Make everyone involved in camp feel at home.
  2. Be attentive to your camper and listen carefully when you are receiving instructions. Your non-verbal communication is as important as the words you say. Please avoid negative non-verbal communication such as eye rolling, sighing, etc.
  3. Your behavior serves as a model to the campers. Please demonstrate the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control at all times.
  4. Please be respectful of all information that is shared with you. Information about a camper is confidential and should not be shared with anyone outside of Camp Follow the Leader.
  5. Camp is a commitment. We count on you to be there every day on time. Please call if you will be late.
  6. Treat the buildings and grounds with respect.
  7. Clean up after yourself and help your camper to do the same.
  8. Do not play with/on the equipment or toys (bikes, therapy balls, scooter boards) unless you are involved in a camp activity that includes the use of the equipment.
  9. Cell phone use for any reason during the camp hours is not permitted. No taking pictures, texting, internet, or other usage is allowed.
  10. Volunteers are not allowed to give out or use their personal phone number to contact parents of the campers or send pictures. Volunteer’s only contact with parents and campers will be during camp hours.
  11. We encourage you to ask questions and most importantly – have fun!!

Apply to Volunteer