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Family Connections: Michelle & Grant Ceravalo

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Family Connections: Michelle & Grant Ceravalo

We like to think of Valley Health as one large family, and nothing personifies that more than when family members work together in our health system. 

How do you give back to the facility that saved your child's life? That's a question mom Michelle Ceravalo asked after her touching encounter with Valley Health team members years ago after her son, Grant, was born. 

This mother and son duo work in very different roles, but still have a strong bond to Valley Health that keeps them connected to their purpose!

Michelle Ceravalo, manager, HR Operations, 19 years of service  

What do you like about working at Valley Health with your son? I do not get to see Grant during the day, but to know we are both working towards the same Valley Health goals and mission every day makes me happy.  I love seeing his commitment, passion, and pride in Valley Health grow as he grows his career here. 

Why did you choose Valley Health? My connection to Valley Health started the day I had Grant. Grant was delivered at another local, non-Valley Health hospital and was very sick. It was decided soon after he was born that he was going to need to be transported to WMC to be admitted to the NICU. 

As you can imagine, that was a very traumatic situation for my husband and I. In the middle of so much chaos, the Valley Health transport/NICU team showed up and there was just a sense of calm that came over us. I remember very little about that day but will never forget seeing the Valley Health team members walk in, single file, and on a mission. The whole team was so professional, calm, and compassionate to our situation.

After that first encounter and then seeing the care Grant received during his stay at the WMC NICU, I knew then that this is where I wanted to have a career. Just a short six months later, an opportunity presented itself and I took it. My dedication and commitment to Valley Health is much deeper than just a job.

How do you ever give back to the facility that saved your child’s life?

Grant Ceravalo, certified surgical technologist, 1 year of service

What do you like about working at Valley Health with your mom? Watching my mom grow her career at Valley Health helped me decide this is where I wanted to start my career. Seeing how much she loves her job and how Valley Health treats their employees really made me want to be a part of this organization. I do not get to see my Mom during the day, but I like knowing she is a phone call away if any of my coworkers and I need assistance.

Why did you choose Valley Health? I attended Camp WMC seven years ago and that was my first real exposure to the system. From that point on I knew I wanted a career in the medical field. Everything we learned during the week was so fascinating to me. All of the employees we dealt with were super friendly and helpful.

As my Mom stated, my life began in the NICU at WMC. I feel like everything has come full circle for me. I am now doing my part to help save lives in the same hospital that saved my life. 

Work With Family

At Valley Health, we are looking for passionate, innovative, and caring people who will each bring their unique skills and perspectives to our workplace. We believe our exceptional team members are the foundation of our culture and key to our success at providing safe, high-quality care with high reliability.

We encourage our caregivers to invite their family, friends and network of dedicated colleagues to work (and perhaps live) in a community like ours.