Event Details
Stop The Bleed Basic Course at Winchester Medical Center
- Categories: Community Events

About This Event
- Event Type:Conferences & Symposiums
- Max Capacity:20
Blood loss is a leading cause of death from traumatic injury. Do you know how to stop or slow a hemorrhage and help save a life?
Winchester Medical Center Trauma Services is offering a free one-hour class for community members to learn the basics of bleeding control in an emergency.
Bleeding Control Basic Course
Second Tuesday of each month, 6:30– 7:30 p.m.
Valley Health Wellness & Fitness Center, Classroom A
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
For more information or to schedule a private class, call Perry McAlister, 540-536-5587 or email pmcalist@valleyhealthlink.com
For more information on Stop the Bleed, a public education initiative, visit www.bleedingcontrol.org